Friday, April 6, 2012

Feature Friday: Public Transportation Dos and Donts

As a New Yorker who is constantly on the go and has little patience for traffic, we depend heavily on public transportation, whether it be bus or train. Even when the prices go up (we grumble and complain), but we still use public transportation. However being that NY is a melting pot and that everyone travels here, some people may or may not be aware of the RULES (yes I said rules) of utilizing mass transit. So to make things simpler for those who don't know, here is a simple list of  Mass Transit Dos and Donts:


1. Do Bathe before entering mass transit, matter of fact bathe before you leave home. No bodily odors allowed!!!
2. Do have your metrocard in hand when ever you try to enter mass transit, stop keeping people back
3. Do offer the elderly, disabled, or pregnant a seat (Unless you are tired, I KID LOL)
4. Do walk like you have life and not like a zombie from "Walking Dead", people have places to go
5. Do speak softly in your cellphone, keep your hood business with keke and 'em in the HOOD
6. Do keep your saltfish or ANY fish meal in its proper bag til you exit, eat it at home
7. Do cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing, no need to wash me with your germs and saliva
8. Do turn your volume down (I know your beats headphones are popping) but I don't want to listen to Nicki Minaj (I am trying to preserve my brain cells)


1. Don't hover over me to read what I am reading (especially if it's my cellphone)
2, Don't try to squeeze into any space smaller than you, no matter your size.
3. Don't sit in front of the bus or block the train door with your elephant stroller
4. Don't sit right next to me, if there are 20 other seats open
5. Don't give us a peek of what you and your significant other do in the bedroom. YA NASTY
6. Don't fight for a seat or because someone stepped on your toe, you need personal space. Get a car NOW!!
7. Don't change your child's diapers on the bus or train especially if it's from the backend
8. Don't break your leg running after a bus or train, they WILL leave you and MTA is NOT footing your medical expenses. Let's not forget the complete embarrassment to top it off

Hope this helped. If you think I have forgotten any rules, please leave a comment containing your additions. Don't forget to spread the knowledge (print it, fb it, tweet it) so that using public transportation can be a smoother ride for us all.

Average New Yorker

P.S. Sorry for the late post, long day at work. Next Feature Friday WILL be posted on Friday

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